Saw on the news that Hostess is going out of business. Nice work, Bakery Workers Union! When will these idiots get a clue and realize that the Unions no longer serve any productive purpose? All they do anymore it run companies out of business or at the very least run them out of America. What does that do? Costs the workers their jobs. Again, nice work Unions!
These workers (were) LUCKY to have a job! When will employees realize
that there isn't a single one who can't be replaced in a heart beat? A
company owes their employees NOTHING except for an honest days' pay for
an honest days' work. Period. Hostess should have fired every last one of them for not coming in to work. Five minutes later they could have picked & chosen good employees from a mile long line of unemployed workers ready to take their place. Guarantee these are the same idiots that elected, then re-elected Comrade Obama.
Speaking of that dip shit, I'm PISSED at the Republican Party! Obama was ripe for the picking and we couldn't find a way to oust that fool? I've been in the GOP for as long as I can remember and I continue to remain very conservative and I hate the growth of our government. However, I'm going to change my party affiliation before the next election. Thinking Libertarian but will decide for sure soon.
The stupid GOP needs to STOP catering to the nutballs on the Religious Right and STOP trying to impose their morality on the populous. It's like they feel they can't win an election without the Religious Right. So, how's that working out for ya? Stop catering to that minority and what would happen? Hmmmm....NOTHING! Those nuts going to vote for Obama 'cause you're not kissing their ass? I think not.
And take Abortion, Gays & Lesbians and all that other crap OUT OF THE EQUATION. What business is it of government to dictate ANY OF THAT? Those are PERSONAL choices & freedoms that the government has NO BUSINESS getting involved in! As my great friend says, we should be the Party of Choices! Yet, just like the idiots in the Unions seem to never learn, so goes the GOP. If there is not a major shift in the attitude of the GOP, we may never win another election again. This one was so important for the long run. We are SO very screwed it's not even funny.
The naivete of those who don't see the dangers along the path we are now traveling absolutely stuns me. They will wonder how it happened that there are no jobs left except those working for the State. They will wonder how it happened that they can't get decent health care or why there are no decent doctors left. They will wonder why they have to wait an hour in line to "receive" a loaf of bread & a roll of toilet paper. They will wonder why they can't do things or say things or behave or Pursue Happiness the way they used to. They will wonder why they can't worship the God of their choosing. They will wonder why they don't have the freedom to NOT worship the God of the State. Wake the fuck up, people!
OK. So there's my rant. Gets it off my chest, but really doesn't make any difference. What's consuming me lately is one question. What can I do about it? What can we do about it? Man oh man am I ever open to suggestions right now! Soooo??????
Friday, November 16, 2012
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Sunday, July 1, 2012
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